Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A visit from Tucker

Our friend Tucker was able to come visit us enroute back to DC after his conference. We had lunch, talked about the old times, swapped parenting stories, and most likely the real reason for Tucker's vist...Graham got a "talkin to" about staying away from Tucker's daughter Margot (who is about 3.5 weeks younger than Graham)... sorry Tucker...Meghan and I are already planning the wedding.

Sunday Afternoon

Vermont Weekend

Blue Eyes

(Is he flashing a gang sign? "West Somerville"?)

6 Months!

How time flies!!! I can not believe that Graham is already 6 months old. We seem to be hitting a great stride...fingers crossed...I think that he is finally growing out of the colic and reflux. Graham seems like a happy baby. He smiles and laughs all the time (well, when he is not screaming). He is rolling over...and over...and over again. We are not quite sure how he manages to relocate from room to room as he is not crawling yet, but he is mobile! Graham absolutely loves his daddy more than anything and cries when he leaves the room to soon. He is so curious and into everything he can touch. You can just see the wheels turning in his head as he takes everything in. He just has a voracious appetite for food and our friend Tucker says "Graham is just intense".
I love to come into his room and see his smile and I actually don't even mind that we are still meeting up at 3am for a quick bite to eat. Love is blind :)

First Tooth (Teeth)

Graham's first tooth appeared in mid-May. I have been so slow in posting that he actually has 2 teeth as of last Friday! Although right now his culinary choices are limited to carrots, squash, bananas, avocado, sweet potatoes, and applesauce, it won't be long before he is biting into his forst schnitzel!

Friday, May 4, 2012


Last week Omi came for a visit. After a few days of trying to hold Graham while he wiggles, twists, bounces and squirms she went and got him this great jumper! He absolutely loves if he was only an inch taller :)

High Chair!

Here is a little video of Graham in his high chair where he loves to play, watch me around the house real food! So far: Apple sause, pears and bananas! Yummy!

Grocery Shopping

Graham and I had our weekly outing to whole foods and I thought I'd try placing him in the cart instead of leaving him in his car seat...he was psyched!!! The only problem is that he has to face me while we move... he almost got up and turned around himself.
"Hey mom look, they sell real food here! I don't have to drink that yucky formula anymore!"